In a turn of events, our first ever doughnut + hot choc fundraiser could not take place due to a rare Red Weather Warning. Thankfully I didn't end up with 250+ doughnuts to eat over half term - although I was of course prepared to rise to the challenge in the interests of our wonderful PTFA!
So after some frantic re-scheduling, on Friday 4th we were finally able to set out our stall and hoped we would not have *too many leftovers* at least... turns out we needn't have worried!

Item A - in the rush of the sale, the only photo I managed to take was an empty doughnut box!
In fact we completely sold out in a matter of minutes! We can only say a huge THANK YOU to those who pre-ordered online and those who queued up on the day. And if you did miss out on doughnut goodness - we will order twice as many next time!! Fear ye not - there will be a next time!
We are pleased to announce that the doughnut raised £185! Thank you!!
