Thank you so much to everyone who entered and played along with our virtual summer fair. We are super excited to finally announce the winners with you! Drum roll please....
Summer Art Competition
Sarah Thorp from art studio Room 212 on Gloucester Road has selected the winners of our art competition.
Sarah was so impressed she decided to award a first and second place for each category!
First prize winners each get a £10 gift voucher to spend in store, and second prize winners get a beautiful ‘friend in a box’ glass animal of their choice.
1st Prize: "A summer’s afternoon in the meadow" by Amelie Southcombe in 2T.
"I love the detail in this painting. What a lovely way to spend the day, flying a kite in a sunny meadow! Congratulations Amelie!"

2nd Prize: Eddie from 1G
"I can just imagine you surfing in Cornwall with your dad. The fish are such lovely colours. It looks like the seagull has been eating lots of chips! Congratulations Eddie!"

1st Prize: Lyla Beevers, year 4.
"I'm really impressed by your butterfly painting. You've used the watercolours in a lovely delicate way, allowing them to do their own magic."

2nd Prize: Isabel Albon 5J
"All your flower paintings are fabulous. You're very talented - keep it up!"

Pet Awards
The following winners have been selected by Sarah and Michael, owners of Roxfords Pet Shop, Gloucester Road.
Each winner gets a £10 voucher to spend in store. Congratulations!
Cutest Pooch
Winner: Maple Doodle (owner Karen Beevers).
"We just love the sandy snout and wind swept hair. Lots of fun must have been had on their day out."

Pet and Owners Lookalike
Winner: Molly Morris with her rat Smidge.
"It was the eyes that caught our attention. Big, round and dark. They both looked delightful."

Most Unusual Pet
Winner: Lewis & William.
"With their caterpillars, who have cocooned, but the best is yet to come, seeing them turn into another species – a beautiful butterfly!"

Bake Offs
Selected by Jenny Rogers manager of the wonderful Joe's Bakery:
Winner: Marcello from RM with his vegan almond cupcakes iced in 2 ways.
Congratulations! Spend your £5 voucher wisely at Joe's.

Selected by Lottie Hadfield, owner of the amazing Fed 303 Café, Gloucester Road....
Winner: Lyla Beevers in Year 4 with her hot cross bunnies and lady birds.
Lottie said:
"They were amazing and so precise and equally glazed!"
Congratulations Lyla! Enjoy your £5 voucher to spend in store.

Fancy Dress Competition
The winner of the fancy dress competition was selected by Giorgio Pessia, owner of Poppers The Party Shop on Gloucester Road.
Winners: Nancy & Finn Ridd ( 4A & 1HM)
Giorgio said:
"We think all the children's costumes are amazing, but the spider is very inventive, funny and made us laugh!"
Congratulations Nancy and Finn, you win a £5 voucher to spend in store!

Face Painting Competition
Winner: Annabelle Chapman in RM
Annabelle was chosen for this wonderfully creative butterfly face painting. Well done! We will be in touch shortly with your prize.

Guess the name of the whale
To say we had some inventive name suggestions would be an understatement! We had so much fun reading them all, but there could be only one winner....
Winner: Laura Whitley with her guess 'Finn'
Congratulations Laura! Finn the Whale will make his way to your home shortly!

Guess how much lego in the jar
We had loads of guesses for this one, and the correct number was 244 lego bricks exactly.
Winner: Lucinda Griffiths with her guess of 236.
Well done Lucinda!