One thing I have realised is that our school community loves a good clear out! Or perhaps we all love the workout from heaving bags up Friary Road??
Some stats (I know you want to know):
286 bags donated
weighing a total of 1.040 kg
with 1G bringing in 35 bags, making them winner of that greatest accolade, 'class that brought in the most bags'! A cash prize for 1G is on its way!
All in all, we had so many donations the RagBag collector was genuinely worried he wouldn't be able to fit all our donations in one van! Thankfully he was able to take everything and we are pleased to say that your contributions raised a grand total of ... *drum roll*... £416 for the PTFA! We are so chuffed with this, thank you so much!
A shout out to Mrs Higgins and the school Eco Reps for helping to promote this event in school, thank you for getting behind this!
