Attendees: Helen Albon; Sarah Shreeves; Siobhan Riordan; Katie McMahon; Ellie Eakins
Apologies: Marcus Cherry; Jason Rayner; Sandra Whitehouse; Jackie Young
Past events / fundraising totals
Proposed future spending
Planned events
PTFA development
1) Finance
Current balance: Lloyds bank account has a balance of £25,076; and old Natwest account has a balance of £5,647. Still waiting for £2k in matched funding to arrive.
Recent spending:
£600 for the Bristol Old Vic performance of Jack Frost and the Winter Freeze on
Monday 2nd December 2024
£950 for KS2 assembly and workshops (x8 for all KS2 classes) about staying safe online, delivered by Unique Voice.
2) Past events fundraising totals
£846 Christmas Craft evening
£8,200 Christmas Fair
£230 Refreshments at the carol service to go towards the Norbot sculpture
£519.44 Christmas Shop
Uniform sales totals TBC. Action: HA to follow up with school office to check cash amount.
3) Proposed future spending
Remaining commitments up to July 2025:
£1,000 on books for the library (Mrs Ballantine is now checking with colleagues and will get back to us on what’s needed)
School playground, planting, school garden, greenhouse (large proportion of current balance)
Year 6 leavers £600
Grow With It update
Greenhouse: Proposal to install at the front of school and develop the area into something with a ‘school garden’ feel approved. Next step is to source a shatter proof greenhouse. A parent has volunteered to lay a concrete foundation, and another to install. We can start this work ASAP.
Entrance bed: metal sculptures were installed just before Christmas.
Playground: Still waiting for a quote from the playground company we met with before Christmas. Kelly and Helen have been researching options. Action: Helen to send Mrs Ballantine results of research ASAP and to agree which companies to invite in to quote for the work.
4) Planned events
AGM Thursday 6 Feb, at 8pm online. Katie MacMahon, PTFA secretary, and Jason Rayner, PTFA Treasurer, and Jackie Young (Committee member), have handed in notice after several years on the committee. We want to extend our thanks to them for all they have done for the PTFA. We are currently advertising for the roles of Treasurer and Secretary as well as new committee members. So far, nobody has come forward. If people don’t come forward we will struggle to run the PTFA. There was a discussion about what to do if the roles are not filled. We agreed that the planned programme of events would need to be scaled back considerably. Action: Continue to advertise and send messages out through all channels (Helen). Review the situation again next week.
Movie night - the consensus in the meeting was we don't have the capacity currently to take on a new event, which will inevitably require more planning. The uncertainty of the current situation / possibility of reduced numbers on the committee from 6 Feb was also discussed as a reason not to take on something else currently. Action: Helen to let Mrs Ballantine know.
Daffodils sale: Friday 28 Feb after school to celebrate St David’s Day. Action: Helen to speak to Donna to arrange.
Class bake sales, March to May - exact dates still TBC.
Window Wanderland 8 March - refreshments. Action: We agreed to apply for a TENS licence for this event.
Selling Wonderlicious bars for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (w/c 17 March, the week before the play). We discussed how to approach this. 15 golden tickets? We agreed to approach Wonderlicious to supply wrappers for the chocolate bars and to pre-sell bars online via our website following advice from other PTFAs that this works well. Mrs Ballantine will supply a list of 'no cost' prizes. Action: Helen to obtain quote from Wonderlicious, and from the printers (for golden tickets).
Serving refreshments at the drama performances w/c 24 March. Agreed no TENS licence required - stick to teas, coffees and soft drinks.
Spring Refresh Friday 28th March 2025 7pm - 10pm: ‘Take some time for YOU. Join us for an exclusive women-only evening dedicated to wellness, self-care and sustainable living’. Rachel, Kelly and Karen are organising. The event includes talks on wellbeing and fashion, a preloved fashion sale and raffle. £10 a ticket was suggested. Possibly approach a parent who is yoga instructor. Action: Sarah / Helen to find name of parent who might be interested in being involved. Helen to get back to Kelly with suggested ticket price and to check date with school office.
Easter Bonnet parade refreshments (date TBC)
Quiz night for parents Friday 25 April TBC. Action: Helen to check dates with Matt and school office.
Disco Friday 16 May (date still TBC): We discussed the possibility of running a separate disco for reception children based on experience from last disco. Issues such as start time and setting up were discussed. Mrs Ballantine is in favour of the approach. Action: Disco team to discuss and agree an approach.
Frozen Fridays from end of May? Action: Helen to sort exact dates.
Sunday 22 June, 2-5pm Summer fair. Action: Helen to check date with school office.
Sports day refreshments (dates TBC)
New reception parents open evening
Do we want to offer the opportunity for parents to purchase tea towels with drawings of children's faces on them. Action: Sarah S to investigate.
Bag 2 school - prices have dropped considerably. Can we raise money another way? Action: Helen to research other options ASAP because we have Bag2School dates booked in the diary already.
5) PTFA development
Urns: we discussed how unreliable the urns have been for some events where we have needed to serve hot drinks. Action: Investigate the purchase of a better, more reliable urn which heats up quickly and has a large capacity.
Next PTFA meeting will be the AGM on 6 Feb 8pm online.