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PTFA Meeting Minutes 14th Oct 2021


1) Introductions and Apologies

· Apologies: K McMahon, S Whitehouse, J Young, S Shreeves, J Rayner

· Attendees: A Jones, H Wilcox, S Smith, S Riordan, D Shaw, C Toffolo, L Griffiths

2) Actions from last meeting

a) Teacher rep on PTFA - no volunteers so far. Mrs B happy to be a go between and nominate teachers as needed per event.

b) Well being pod purchases – Aisling to add photos to the PTFA website/newsletter. Action complete.

c) Regular credit going into the account of varying amounts - Aisling to check what these are and get back to Jason. Action complete (payments related to paid subscriptions).

d) Updating signatories to PTFA account - Jason to push with NatWest one more time. Confirmation outstanding, Jason to confirm. Natwest have credited the PTFA account with £200 as apology for delay.

e) Second hand Uniform sale - Aisling to do social media/website notice to ensure families know about this provision. Action complete. Committee are happy to donate uniform to school be used as spares.

f) Dedicated uniform stock manager - Aisling/Sophie to advertise for this role. TBC pending online uniform shop which may negate need for this role.

g) Usborne/Amazon Smile/Easyfundraising - Sophie to do SM reminder to publicise these. Action complete.

h) Christmas cards – Marcus to help automate this process as far as possible. Action complete.

i) Christmas fair – set up sub committee and recruit volunteers. Action complete.

j) KS1online disco – get availability and quote.Action complete.

3) Finance

a) Account balance stands at £15,491 at last statement (to 5th Oct)

b) Signatories update – Action: Jason to confirm with Natwest.

c) Gambling licence renewal – we have applied to Bristol City Council for the small lotteries licence with requisite payment. We need a number to put on raffle tickets so need to chase this with Bristol Council. Action: Jason to chase up.

d) Paypal set up – Action: Aisling to pick this up again and continue application on assumption bank signatories have been through.

e) Sumup machine purchase – for upcoming events Committee in agreement we will need at least 1 more, probably 2.

4) Recent events

a) New parents coffee morning – took place in person thanks to use of Presbytery. Successful event with thanks to all those who helped out!

5) Events Ongoing

a) Christmas cards – online payments have worked well. However, the transmission of orders from the website was not in a format that helped. Hilary ended up typing all entries into an excel sheet. Many have made out cheques to school rather than the PTFA and many parents have given forms to pupils to hand into teachers rather than the drop off box. This has resulted in some forms going missing although payment has gone through online…. Estimated profit from this activity around £500 which is a questionable return on admin effort involved. Action: Sophie/Aisling/Hilary to investigate another version which reduces the administrative burden and allows greater profit.

6) Events future

a) KS1 – disco – booked for Fri 22nd Oct, x2 slots at 4 and 5. We need to so ensure uptake to make this profitable. Sophie/Aisling to continue to advertise online.

b) Bag 2 school – booked for 2nd Nov with RagBag who pay a bit more. We have the bags which will be distributed. Hilary, Siobhan, Charlotte and Lu can help out on the day.

c) Christmas fair – subcommittee has been set up and first meeting was held. Run through of rough plans have been discussed with Mrs Ballentine. We need to ensure all stalls and plans are covid safe and also that once people leave the one way system they do not return.

d) Christmas Hampers/raffle – do we go online this year to minimise admin? Look into this before Christmas sub committee meeting.

e) Parent’s event – rock bingo? Following discussion with Mrs Ballentine, it has been suggested to move this to next year.

f) KS2 Children’s event –Mrs Ballentine requested that we move the KS2 event to next year when covid rates should be more under control. Holding a disco would be preferable for kids so we will revisit holding a disco early next year.

g) Tea towels – will not be done this year.

7) Proposed spending

a) Mud kitchens – now installed in school. Photos will be put up online.

b) Bristol Old Vic Nativity play – x2 performances have been booked but we are waiting to hear what dates they will run.

c) Playground trim trail – meeting will be held with playground design co. next week. Options for designs will be put forward to PTFA families to include their opinion. Depending on cost, PTFA could pay for the full outlay.

8) PTFA Development

a) Website – we will seek ongoing feedback to ensure website is user friendly.

b) Uniform shop – we can now move this forward once we get paypal set up.

c) Push monthly payment plan with an incentive – can we offer incentive to encourage people to sign up. Could we set up a separate ‘raffle’/lucky draw using the business donations that were received pre covid. Separate meeting planned with Jason Marcus and others to discuss.

d) Future meetings (alternate in person/online) - we would like to hold next meeting in person on 19th Nov.

AOB – Katie McMahon wanted to raise Gift Aid update. Katie not present so we will catch up with her.

Donna Shaw’s employer, Lloyds Bank, does a matched funding scheme which she is able to use (£500/year allowance). This could bump up donations substantially. Worth asking people to investigate with their employers if they have similar schemes.

Date next meeting – 19th Nov 2021 (contingent on approval from Presbytery)


St Bonaventures PTFA

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St Bonaventure's Catholic Primary School, Egerton Road , Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, England

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