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PTFA meeting minutes, 14 Nov 2024


Attendees: Helen Albon, Sandra Whitehouse, Sarah Shreeves, Kelly Iles, Siobhan Riordan

Apologies: Marcus Cherry, Ellie Eakins, Lucia Montes de Oca


  1. Finance

  2. Past events / fundraising totals

  3. Proposed future spending

  4. Planned events

  5. PTFA development

  6. AOB

1) Finance

Review of balance, income & expenditure:

  • Balance in new account: £18600

  • £154.25 in old Natwest account.

  • Recently paid: Pots for school garden (£50) to be added in the Spring. Expenses for disco and craft evening.

  • Future spending: Metal sculptures for front entrance bed and greenhouse (see below for update)

2) Past events fundraising totals

  • £209.60 from uniform sales in September and a further £70 in October (exact cash amount still TBC)

  • £108 for Bag2School. This is not as much as last time as prices per kilo have gone down. This has been the experience of other PTFAs too. Action: HA to research other companies that might offer more per kilo.

  • Disco, 18 October: £2536

  • Ticket sales for Christmas fair (as at 14/11): £1800 (208 adult tickets sold and 198 child tickets). Grotto and Living Nativity sold out.

3) Proposed future spending

a) Remaining commitments up to July 2025:

  • £1,000 on books for the library (Mrs Ballantine is now checking with colleagues and will get back to us on what’s needed)

  • £600 for the Bristol Old Vic performance in December 2024. Contact has been made with the Old Vic and we are waiting for the invoice.

  • School playground amount still TBC

  • Planting in the Spring /development of 'school garden' feel around the raised beds

  • Show you care, park elsewhere signs (still with the governors for a decision). Action: Jason to update.

  • Swimming team branded tops: At a recent gala all other primary school swimming teams had logo tops, apart from St Bon's. Action: Sandra to investigate costs and bring back to next meeting.

b) Grow With It update

Greenhouse: Proposal to install a greenhouse the front of school and develop the area next to the raised beds into something with a ‘school garden’ feel - this has now been approved by school. Next step is to source a shatter proof greenhouse - cost approx £1300. A parent has volunteered to lay a concrete foundation, and another to install. We can start this planning / work when the site manager has returned from leave (in two weeks time).

Entrance bed: Metal sculptures of insects etc to be installed in the next few weeks.

Playground: Meeting with a playground company took place last week. In addition to developing the natural space around the back playground, there was a proposal to add elements to the existing tarmac area which would physically stretch and challenge the older children - for example adding gym equipment, painting lines on the tarmac for physical games and challenges and other similar ideas. Action: Kelly to source quotes for white lines, and to approach another natural play company based in the local area to come in to quote / discuss ideas.

4) Planned events


Christmas shop (designed cards and goods)

Sarah reported that everything was going well and a good amount had been raised so far. One parent has asked whether we can organise a whole school tea towel. Action: Sarah S to investigate different companies that might offer this and bring back to the next meeting.

Christmas Crafts & Fizz evening, 15 November

All the preparations are complete. We are expecting 58 guests, and have 32 graze boards ordered. Art-K are ready to go. Food has been donated by FED and collected. Gift bags and gifts donated by Moda hairdressing. Particular thanks to Alessia from Lusso Events for her role on the organising team. Art-K will be distributing flyers in book bags next week. Action: Helen to do further comms on the evening, and publicity for Art-K to acknowledge and thank them for their role in running the evening.


Christmas Fair, Sunday 8 Dec 2-5pm

  • Launch last weekend - success.

  • Letter to parents emailed through school office. Social media and class messaging done.

  • Compere, and music booked.

  • Father Christmas is booked and confirmed. DBS check underway. Santa costume needs to be located.

  • Grotto - decorating team led by Charlotte. Setting up from 2pm. Siobhan and Aisling to help too.

  • Living Nativity - sold out. Still need to identify the exact location in the reception playground. Also need to finalise arrangements for cleaning afterwards. Risk assessment points incorporated into ticket info. Signage being prepared with further info about washing hands etc. We discussed adding more tickets to the Living Nativity slots due to high demand, but agreed that this would only release a few tickets. We also explored extending the time of the session for a further hour, but agreed this wouldn't allow us enough time to clean up. The Living Nativity is being run as a trial this year. We wanted to make the nativity accessible by keeping ticket prices low (£1), and to ensure that families could visit it together. We will be keen to hear feedback after the event.

  • Snow Globe inflatable booked and invoice received.

  • Silent auction items still being added.

  • Flyers to local community? Christmas fair team to sort.

  • Christmas hampers raffle. 6 Dec - need volunteers to sort raffle tickets. Lots of envelopes currently in the school office need to be collected.

  • School choir booked.

  • Matched funding arranged.

  • Agreed to add the lolly game next to the Knock the Elf off the shelf game (Sarah to look in the cupboard and check games).

  • Guide for class reps and volunteers to go out ASAP (Helen)

  • Christmas hampers info circulated via class reps.

KS2 carols 17 or 19 Dec TBC

The PTFA has been asked to support the KS2 carols this year (which is taking place in the playground at the back of school), serving mulled wine and mince pies and other festive treats with the money going towards the PTFA. We agreed to do this and discussed the possibility of serving from the wellbeing pod which has power in it. Action: Helen to contact school and plan the logistics. Volunteers needed.

January 2025

AGM. Katie MacMahon, PTFA secretary, has handed in her notice after 4 years on the Committee and will be stepping down at the next AGM. Thanks to Katie for all her amazing work over this time! Looking for someone to fill the post of Secretary at next AGM. 

  • Movie night date - what movies, parent supervision? Licence needed? Ticket price? Action: to discuss at the Dec meeting.

March / April
  • Class bake sales, March to May

  • Window Wanderland 8 March - Mrs Ballantine has asked can the PTFA support this? Action: Helen to seek further information on plans.

  • Wonderlicious bars for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This has now been agreed. Action: Helen to work with Mrs Ballantine to agree logistics for selling wonderlicious bars in the lead up to the school play.

  • Quiz night for parents? There is enthusiasm for this event.

  • Wellbeing event? Action: Kelly is meeting with other parents soon to discuss a women’s event and what it will look like.

  • We discussed an equivalent event for men at a different time of year. Action: Sandra to follow up with a parent to investigate whether they would be interested in running something.

  • Disco 

  • Summer fair: We agreed we would like to organise a summer fair. Action: Helen to confirm with school and identify a date, avoiding camps, River Dart etc.

Date of next meeting

PTFA social, Thursday 12 December, 8pm

We've booked a space in the Gloucester Old Spot on Kellaway Avenue, for a very informal 'PTFA social' on Thursday 12 December from 8pm. All are welcome.


St Bonaventures PTFA

If you'd like to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you. We're a friendly bunch.


St Bonaventure's Catholic Primary School, Egerton Road , Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, England

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