1) Introductions and Apologies
Apologies - Lucinda, Sandra, Katie, Jackie, Lorna Attendees – Sophie L, Sarah S, Hilary W, Jason R, Aisling J, Isabel G, Siobhan O
2) Outcome of AGM, confirmation of committee voted in.
3) Actions from last meeting
a) Gift Aid development – initial steps taken with charities commission.
· Annual returns for Aug 20/21 submitted.
· Possible issue with bank account not being the same as charity name on application. Something we should address longer term to avoid any issues.
· A bit of admin will be needed to collect addresses in order to have information needed to confirm gift aid/taxpayer status.
· Marcus working on a neat easy solution to collect necessary info online. Once we have a plug in/form on the website, we can put out promotion of gift aid and collect permissions from parents etc.
b) New freezer/cupboard organisation – new freezer purchased (£40 cash). Thank you to Sarah for doing stock check and cupboard organisation.
c) Playground equipment quotations (2 options supplied, both around £15,200 mark). With school for final review on preferred design/equipment. This will be a substantial outlay for the PTFA so additional quotation scrutiny will of course be applied.
We can start to share photos of designs and promote online.
d) St Bons Hygiene/Food Bank role – Rebecca Harris (Egerton Rd resident) is appealing for help continuing the work she has started in supplying food and hygiene products to St Bons families. Any interest, please get in touch!
e) Push Amazon Smile and Easyfundraising via social media – Action: Isabel can repost previous posts on this. Jason can find out how much was raised through these channels to demonstrate potential.
4) Finance
a) Review of balance, income and expenditure – balance as at 5 April is £22924.
b) Funding of Yr6 leavers gifts. Yr6 parents request £600 towards hoodies and yearbooks.
Concerns at how much money is expected to be given. Committee can donate £600 but we want to emphasise to current Yr5 parents that we will need them to undertake fundraising themselves. PTFA will also be expected to fund SATS breakfast (£200) which is a huge total to go to one year group.
c) School requesting funds to purchase circus equipment for school, awaiting costs from Mrs B.
5) Events Past
a) Doughnut, Drink & Daffodils Sale at Easter Festival – raised £308!
b) X2 day Circus Skills Workshop for whole school – fully funded event by PTFA, cost £1200. Cheque has been made to the provider.
6) Events Future
a) Bag2School/RagBag - 15th June booked in.
b) Frozen Friday starts today! Slots have been assigned per class.
7) Summer Fair – 26th June date set. Sub Committee whatsapp group started. Meetings to be arranged (suggest mixture of online and in person) - questions on change of regulation on bouncy castle size and need to be tethered to grass.
8) Future meeting - Wed 25th May online.