1. Introductions and Apologies
Attendees: Aisling, Jason, Jackie, Sarah, Sandra, Katie
Apologies: Sophie, Elly, Lu, Siobhan
2. Actions from last meeting (Note that December’s PTFA meeting was cancelled due to lack of availability)
£2500 provided to school towards purchase of books. School have also purchased dual language books and let us know how much they are appreciated by pupils with English as a second language!
As you see, the school even has Harry Potter in Ukrainian thanks to our fundraising!

Class Reps page set up and functioning – great feedback on this. Thanks to Marcus and Helen
Survey on PTFA has been set up – to be sent out shortly. Action: Aisling and Sophie to review and distribute.
3) Finance
Review of balance, income & expenditure. Balance is £32293. Just under £1700 of cheques due to come out from that balance.
Gift Aid – campaign to publicise this? Action: Catch up with Katie and Marcus. Send out emails to capture all Gift Aid status
Online Banking/moving accounts - NatWest cannot accommodate online banking which is not sustainable in allowing us to best manage our finances. Best solution so far appears to be Lloyds. Action: Jason will speak with them to verify what happens with outstanding cheques that need to be cashed and whether a charity account would be dual signatory or not.
4. Past Events
Christmas Fair – a huge £8320 raised with many thanks to all involved! 😊 Lessons learned collated, any more thoughts on what worked or what could be improved, please let PTFA know All reimbursements should be with those that need them. If not, please let us know Matched funding volunteers – Action: Aisling to remind them about claiming additional matched funding from employers.
5. Planned Events
Ceilidh – Re-scheduled date of 10th Feb 2023. Band is £500. Currently 30 tickets sold (£320 in sales).
Action – all to publicise the ceili to encourage attendees. Currently this could be a loss maker :( We also want this to be a chance for parents to get to know one another!
To do – volunteer plan with timings, 5G router borrow??, stock check, purchase of snacks, risk assessment
NB: we have no janitor, Mrs B kindly coming to lock up at finish time.
Volunteers: Lu, Sandra, Jackie, Matt
Stock required: Maybe some soft drinks, non alcoholic beers?
Window wonderland – March 4th. Licence needed. School request, can we sell candy floss/donuts? Volunteers needed (governors helping out?) Action: Catch up with Hannah Jordan on plan. Would be good to know how many we might expect to attend for planning purposes.
6. Events for rest of 2023
Term 4 (Monday 20 February 2023 to Friday 31 March 2023): Another school disco should there be enough volunteers to make this feasible. Uniform sale (more logo uniform needed for stock) Bag2School? Daffodil sale?
Regular Bake Sale - Suggest we bring back this regular event. Idea is, each year group does a bake sale to raise money for things needed for their classes. This should leave enough time to do Frozen Fridays. (Sidenote: are Yr6’s are planning on fundraising for hoodies?) Action: Sandra to do draft schedule for this and see if we can fit it all in!
Summer Fair – Sunday 25th June in the diary with school. Action: Aisling or Sophie to fill in booking form with Violet
7. Proposed spending/school wishlist
Trim Trail Works have begun on the grounds for new trim trail. Climbing wall was unfortunately unable to be saved due to rot issues and wall not meeting latest safety standards. Any materials that can be salvaged and reused will be. Trim trail installation date being confirmed with installers Pentagon Play. Reminder, cost for new equipment will be circa £16k.
St Bons branded sports kit – a parent expressed interest in sponsoring. Action: follow up with parent.
School wishlist to be funded by PTFA if possible (in line with long term vision for ‘learning through play’ at St Bons)
Equipment for the new conservation area at the back of the school such as:
Seating for children (logs?)
Fire pit (sturdy, safe and all-weather)
Pond dipping equipment
Bug Hotels
Outdoor Storage (large metal/waterproof containers)
Tarpaulins/camouflage material (for den area)
Any other misc. outdoor learning/forest school equipment
Outdoor chess pieces
Some of the above items might be supplied by individual parents/companies if they wish to donate?
Action: Katie and Jason are going to pull together shortlist of potential suppliers and costings and liaise with school to check on quantities for things like pond equipment.

Lego tables to encourage lego play especially with older children. Question from school: is it possible to adjust these existing outdoor tables for lego play by attaching lego boards/replacing the table top?

PTFA Development
Grants (Aviva and supermarket tokens) – pursue!
Secretary needed
AOB - none raised