Present – Aisling Jones, Sophie Loukes, Katie McMahon, Sandra Whitehouse, Marcela Gonzales, Luke Gaim, Jackie Young, Sarah Shreeves, Siobhan Riordan, Helen Albon.
Apologies – Jason Rayner, Isabel Gaiger
Recap Actions from March Meeting:
Survey results – Aisling and Sophie meeting with Helen to review and feedback to follow.
Sports kit sponsorship – follow up with 2 parents who volunteered
Account balance: £23,696 (trim trail payment has been taken now)
Outgoing payments:
£350 for Copper Beech Play forest school equipment. School ordering the rest of the items for the conservation area and general request items – They will request a cheque from the PTFA when complete.
Books for KS2 reading programme (£544.14)
Online banking – Lloyds timescales approximately 4 weeks. Donna Shaw confirmed they can accommodate online signatories. Donna happy to check application forms. General consensus is we should proceed with transfer
Bake sales – Agreed they were a success with each year raising approx £200.
March 3rd - Yr3 £133
March 10th - Reception £234.20
March 17th - Yr1 £252.50
March 24th - Yr2 £238
March 31st - Yr4 £182.50
April 21st - Yr5 £202.25 so far* Card machine glitch means we are chasing any due sums!
April 28th - Yr6 - to come
Term 5 & 6 Events
Friday 5th May - Second hand uniform sale. Aisling and Donna can help Ellie
23rd 24th Poss 25th May – Refreshments for Matilda Play – timings to be confirmed. Katie to check with Lou if licence required. Soft drinks, tea and coffee in the afternoon with alcohol at evening productions. Volunteers needed to sell refreshments.
Monday 19th June – Bag to school – advertise to classes. Volunteers required. Katie available on Mondays.
W/C 10th July – Sports Day – tea coffee, soft drinks.
*Summer Fair – Sunday 25th June*
Whatsapp group for subcommittee to be distributed to class reps
Raffle – Agreed it is always a big fundraiser. Tickets to be ordered to be distributed to classes before half term. Gift suggestion list to be sent to class reps towards the end of term to give people chance to sign up.
Stall Suggestions and actions
Bar – Stock to be arranged
Bar be que – Marcela has a gas bar be que and happy to man for a period of time. Sandra suggested that her class could also take that on.
Bouncing Brothers – Aisling checked they have availability for
Ice cream
Candy floss
Bouncy castle / dual game
Thai food stall – Nutch happy to run again – with addition of steamed dumplings!
Fair games
Bottle stall
Cake stall
Face painting
Possible Police car – Sandra asking a parent in 3B and Sophie following up with another parent who has contacts for their community outreach section to attend.
Band – Luke Gaim said he will ask some contacts.
Fundraising Discos
Possible date of 9th June being confirmed with school.
Sub committee with Siobhan, Sandra, Luke and Isabel confirmed
Discussion about how to make the event not first come first serve.
How feasible is it to use a computer programme to run a ballot system?
Should we run 3 discos instead of 2?
Ask Mr Morgan if he can DJ
Shorten KS1 disco to an hour.
Sub committee are going to set up a whatsapp and finalise the plans.
Frozen Fridays
Sarah to purchase the stock
Timetable for sales
Friday 26th May - Y2
Friday 9th June - Y3
Friday 16th June - Y6
Friday 23rd June - Y1
Friday 30th June - Y4
Thursday 6th July - Y5
Friday 14th July - R
Meeting Dates for rest of year
22nd May
27th June
July TBC
Reactivate Summer Fair Committee Group
Disco Sub Committee – agree date with school, ticketing method and number of discos
Order raffle tickets
Confirm licences for Matilda, Discos and Summer Fair
Lloyds Bank Transfer