1) Introductions and Apologies
Apologies from Lu, Sandra, Jackie, Hilary, Donna Attendees: Aisling, Sophie, Sarah, Katie, Jason, Louise, Rachel, Isabel, Hannah, Tobar, Rachel.
2) Actions from last meeting
a) Updating signatories to PTFA account – Signatories have been updated after a 6 month delay! 😊
b) Gambling licence renewal – Has been renewed.
c) Paypal set up – Ongoing, pending final signature from Sophie.
d) Sumup machine purchase – x2 card readers purchased at £15 each. We now have 3 machines in total.
e) Christmas Cards - investigate another version which reduces the administrative burden and allows greater profit. Ongoing.
3) Finance
a) Gift Aid/HMRC registration – nomination of ‘Responsible Persons’ and ‘Authorised Individuals’. Katie explained benefit of gift aid claims and how it works. Use of website will be key. Monies that are donated can qualify for gift aid. We will need to ask parents to confirm that they are tax payers – onus on parents to confirm and keep us updated. We can set additional donations over and above tickets offered for events, the gift aid would then be claimable on the donation portion. For HMRC purposes, Sophie and Aisling nominated as Authorised Individuals– agreed by committee
Jason and Katie nominated as Responsible Persons – agreed by committee
Action: Katie will complete Gift Aid/HMRC registration.
b) Update to Charities Commission – nomination of new trustees. In order to update trustees listed on Charities Commission, Sophie and Aisling nominated to be trustees of PTFA. Agreed by committee.
Action: Katie will complete update to Charities Commission
c) Monthly subscriptions – promotion campaign. Get school head on board. Can we push this as an alternative Christmas present? E.g. Grandparents who want to give a donation in the name of their kids. Action: Create stall/poster at the fair to promote.
Can this be used to help show parents what the school needs/wants? Brunel Fields teachers are able to bid for what they need in the school. Can we do something similar? Ask the school council – what do kids want to have.
Action: speak with Mrs Ballentine on this to ensure more transparency with what’s going on in school/what they need.
d) Online banking – difficulty is that we must have dual signatories. NatWest does not support online banking access for dual signatories account. Action: check wording of the constitution in case there is a workaround.
e) Review of balance, income and expenditure Balance at last statement (17th Oct) £18,874.53. Need to find a better way to reconcile website payments with how it appears on the statement.
Action: Katie will do a one-pager guide as to what qualifies for gift aid.
4) Recent events
a) RagBag - raised £416, using new company. Happy with this new company, will continue to use.
b) KS1 virtual disco - £115 raised
5) Events Ongoing
a) Christmas Fair – current ticket sales update, volunteers on the day, marquee/outdoor décor needed. Grotto sold out. Yr6 may need further encouragement to ensure volunteers on bars. Can we get a marquee from Mrs McGrath (Beavers leader)? They also could help put it up. Action: Sophie to email Kate McGrath to find out.
b) Hampers raffle – tickets with school office to be distributed.
c) Online Silent Auction – Marcus looking at setting this up. Need to promote clearly, particularly if people have comms fatigue once the fair is over!! Leaflets in bags?
6) Events future
a) Christmas Jumper Day – need to confirm this with Mrs B.
b) Bristol Old Vic Nativity Play – would be nice to get photos to show parents what we have funded. Action: ask if we can get photos from the day? Plan for 2022 - suggestions:
Parent’s event – rock bingo?
KS2 Children’s event – disco
Sponsored read?
Geo caching (Rachel has a contact for this)
7) Proposed spending
a) Bristol Old Vic Nativity play (as above) £1000 for hosting of this.
b) Playground trim trail. Pentagon have been in to assess the outside area by the climbing wall. Need to meet with Mrs Ballentine to discuss. Would be keen to put options of designs out to the school council and parents so they have a say.
c) Go out to teachers, ask what they would like to bid for/what they need in their rooms?
8) PTFA Development
a) Remind people about employer matched funding if they volunteer
b) Uniform shop (do another sale next term)
c) Future meeting date (online) - date not yet set.
AOB: Fridays for the Future – Louise has been in contact with Bishop Road to co-ordinate efforts. Approach Mrs Higgins to see if school has any plans already. Briefly discussed grants that are available to help school building maximise its energy efficiency. Can we help there??