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Minutes PTFA Meeting 18th Feb


*changed from in-person to an online call due to school closure* Present: Aisling Jones, Sophie Smith, Lu Griffiths, Ellie Eakins, Sandra Whitehouse, Donna Shaw, Sarah Shreeves

Apologies: Katie McMahon, Jackie Young, Jason Rayner, Hilary Wilcox, Siobhan Riordan,

Past Actions

· Food bank cheque still not cashed. Ellie may have a name of someone at North Bristol Food Bank that Aisling can contact.

· Playground equipment update: Mrs Ballantine has a wish list of 4-5 things for the trim trail. A video call is planned with the play equipment company next week. The PTFA can probably contribute £10,000 (most of this will be for the groundwork) now but this could be a long running project that we fund raise for. Mrs Ballantine has also asked for an outdoor story telling area which we should be able to fund now too.

· PTFA marquee: This has been put on the back burner but Aisling may keep an eye out for a second hand one. Aisling to find out from Louise where the Scouts stand with us continuing to borrow theirs

· Stock check: There is lots of alcohol left (mostly from the bottle stall) and other snacks which we were going to put out alongside the doughnuts today. Quite a few items left over from the present room. The freezer still needs to be defrosted and cleared out. This may have to be after school to allow items from the cupboard to be emptied into the corridor. Lu has volunteered to help Aisling with this.


There has been no statement since the last meeting so we assume the balance remains at around £25,000. There are a few payments to come out and we currently hold the doughnut pre -order money

Doughnut sale

Luckily able to defer to Friday 4th March. Opportunity for those that missed out on pre-ordering to do so.


Ellie Eakins has kindly taken on the role of uniform rep. Sophie Kidd has also offered assistance. The uniform stock had been culled and now only consists of high quality items which Ellie is storing. There is a uniform request email that has been set up but we anticipate that we will mostly operate by having donations dropped off and doing a termly sale. The next sale will be Friday 11th March.


Aisling to put out a doodle poll to choose a date at the end of March that the majority of the committee can make. This will be an evening meeting over Zoom to ensure we get a large attendance. A chairs report and finance report will be needed.

Future Events

No large scale events for children involving lots of running around but Mrs Ballantine is happy for events where children are separated into year groups e.g movie night and she is fine with parent events.

Ice cream sales:

Can commence after Easter once the freezer is defrosted. Lu to sort out a class rota for selling every Friday and is happy to buy stock on a weekly basis.

Circus skills workshop:

PFTA is fully funding a two day circus skills workshop (£1200) which all children will benefit from.

Bristol Old Vic:

Offering another session on fairy tales which Aisling will look into.

Summer Fair:

A date has been proposed for the fair on Saturday 26th June pm (pending school confirmation). It was suggested that a summer hamper raffle would work well again and maybe another silent auction. We will look to set up a sub-committee to organise. It was raised that in previous years external stalls have been permitted for a small fee and consequently made lots of money. External stalls to be asked to contribute a % of their profit.


Teacher bidding:

Aisling to speak to Mrs Ballantine about the PFTA offering £100 per month for teachers to bid for items from. PTFA was reminded about the Amazon Wish List that exists.

5p challenge:

Donna fed back that another PTFA raised over £500 by asking children to bring in any 5p coins that they might have. Each class has a jar and the class that brought in the most wins a treat. Donna volunteered to bag and cash up any funds.

Bag to School:

Sophie to find out available June dates which we could tie in with a uniform donation.


St Bonaventures PTFA

If you'd like to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you. We're a friendly bunch.


St Bonaventure's Catholic Primary School, Egerton Road , Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, England

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