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Minutes, PTFA Meeting, 13th September

Writer's picture: undefined

Present: Aisling Jones, Sophie Smith, Katie McMahon, Sandra Whitehouse, Helen Albon, Sarah Shreeves, Siobhan Riordan, Katie Walker,


Apologies: Jason Rayner, Jackie Young, Ellie Eakins


Ongoing Actions – Bank account transfer – JR


Finances - £29, 874.34 as of 5th July


The balance appears high but much of this has been ring fenced to support some big expenses that are planned by school this year. Mrs Ballantine would like to provide more shade in the playground areas and is currently getting quotes from awning and shelter companies. The cost of this will be significant and school would like the PTFA to support.


There are also plans to build a stage and outdoor performing arts area.


Ms Rigg needs to confirm the fire pit. Estimated that this will be approx. £1500 - £2000.


Additional curriculum workshops were discussed with Mrs Ballantine last year. Sophie and Aisling are meeting with her again in a few weeks.


Immediate spending:

£600 on more forest school den building equipment.

It was discussed that now the pond and forest area have been kitted out it would be nice to do some publicity to parents.

c£1000 for Bristol Old Vic Nativity performances. Sophie confirming.


Succession Planning


Sophie and Aisling will be stepping down as chairs at the next AGM.

Who would like to take over?


Term 1 & 2 Events


Christmas Cards – Sarah researched alternative providers. ‘My Childs Art’ appears to be the best solution available. Pictures will be completed in school and parents can order directly online. The costs are a bit more than the old provider, but the administration is far easier for both the PTFA and school.

Committee agreed to trial ‘My Child’s Art’ for December 2023


Second Hand Uniform Sale – Friday 15th September. We need more logo items. Ellie will put a shout out on Facebook.


New Parent Coffee Morning – Friday 22 September. Socials will be sent to class reps this week.


Disco – 13th October – Siobhan confirming with Carol and Mr Morgan

The Disco committee are going to take the lead organising and advertising.


Christmas Fair – The date is Sunday 3rd December.


Planning is already underway and the WhatsApp group will be circulated again to class reps.

Plan is to use the wellness pod as Santa’s grotto so we may need some new decorations.


Bag 2 school – a date has been requested for before Christmas.




Other event suggestions – a quiz night for parents .


New PTFA logo and improvements to the website being planned so that there will be a more consistent look and feel across communications.


Year 6 funding discussion with Governors – JR absent so could not feedback.  


Helen Albon gave a massive thank you to Sophie and Aisling for all the hard work that they have done over the last few years. Her thoughts were echoed by the entire committee!


Next meeting – 10th October – Zoom 8pm. 


St Bonaventures PTFA

If you'd like to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you. We're a friendly bunch.


St Bonaventure's Catholic Primary School, Egerton Road , Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, England

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