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Minutes, PTFA Meeting, 13th June 2024

Writer's picture: undefined

Attendees: Helen Albon, Katie McMahon, Sarah Shreeves, Lucia Montes de Oca

Apologies: Jason Rayner, Siobhan Riordan, Sandra Whitehouse, Jackie Young

1) Actions from last meeting

  1. Actions:

  • £1,000 on books for the library - HA action - to ask school what books they would like to buy

  • Uniform shed - HA to follow up with office. Amy in the office has got the shed, but it needs to be assembled. The office will be sending out a request email.

  • Sports Day refreshments: KS1: Tuesday 9 July from 9-11am. KS2: Wednesday 10 July 9-11.30am. Volunteers needed.Action - Katie to sort croissants from Lidl. May also ask the super market at the bottom of the road.

  • ‘Wonderlicious’ bars for Roald Dahl Day (Golden tickets), 13 September TBC - discussion was had that this could be a relatively easy fundraiser and a fun event to hold in September when the children are in fancy dress. Action - continue discussion at meeting in July to plan in more detail as work will be needed before the end of term. 

2) Finance 

  1. Review of balance, income & expenditure. Balance in new account = £13,195

£1,150 in old account. Transfer will be completed very soon. 

Recently paid: Hose and trolley for raised beds £285; St Francis Garden plants; £200 for year 6 SATs breakfast. £600 for year 6 leavers’ gift; Murals (need to add amounts); animal workshops (Jason to confirm amount)

Still to pay: Olympic and Paralympic workshops; planting for entrance bed and Giant Bug Hotel, and metal sculptures  

3) Past events fundraising totals

  • Frozen friday 

  • 24/5 £177.50 

  • 7/6 £219.24 

  • bag to school - £188 

  • Disco £2934.40 (includes £1000 matched funding)

4) Proposed future spending:

Remaining commitments up to July 2025

  • £1,000 on books for the library - HA action - to ask school what books they would like to buy.

  • £600 for the Bristol Old Vic performance in December 2024

  • Frozen Fridays profit 

Grow With It update: 

Murals are complete. No longer spending on a physical bug house as mini bug houses have been incorporated into the mural design. Mini wildflower meadow now scaled back and will go in front of the Giant Bug House wall using seed not turf. Saving approx £600

To note we have now used up our budget allocated to workshops and author visits. The Olympic and Paralympic Workshop will be held in the summer term and the author visits were held in March. 

Uniform shed: Now purchased for £150. Need volunteers to help construct it, post fair. 

Flower bed near entrance to school:  Planting plan to be completed by a parent who is a landscape architect, and planting to take place as soon as the mural is completed. Small (low cost) metal sculptures of birds, bees, insects and animals, chosen by the children for each year group, will be added in amongst the planting for children to spot. Also colourful bird boxes on the wall and butterfly and bee drinking stations. Publicity will be sought in local newspapers once the mural is complete.

5) Planned events -THE SUMMER FAIR!!!!

Most things are in hand and HA is confident we are ready for the big day. Some actions and admin for the coming week. 

Summer fair, Sunday 23 June from 2-5pm: 

  • Publicity needed this week - Socials and whatsapp 

  • Sourcing of giant teddy - may be donated by Ocean. But if not we can use the Bee

  • Refreshments list compiled. - Sarah shopping

  • Cupboard sorted and games identified.

  • Need to arrange token sales next week each day. - Katie sending poll to summer fair group

  • Football stall ‘Beat the goalie’ Lucia to update. - Going to approach Coaching with Sophie as Little Kickers can’t do it anymore. 

  • Letter has gone to parents.

  • Silent auction launched. Some bidding so far. More publicity this weekend.

  • Soft toys collected. Goodie bags tomorrow - Will also accept on Friday 21st

  • Higher / Lower prep required. Printing of tokens. - Lucia and Helen can print at work

  • Signage and posters. The office to print and laminate

  • Risk assessment with school.

  • Stall instructions have been sent out to reps.

  • Craft stall items on order (tote bags approved by Mrs W).

  • Compere sorted - Andrew Short agreed to compere.

  • PA system sorted

  • Tables sorted. - Alex is going to help set them out and has the plan

  • Signage to be collected from undercroft.

  • Still need a soak the teacher board. Where is this? HA looking 

  • Choirs - letters have gone out.

  • Sumups - problems last week with people not being able to log in. Need to sort.

  • Need to buy more tokens.- Katie purchased.

New reception parents info evening: Helen to do a presentation on behalf of the PTFA. BTP are providing free brownie tokens for each bag. Bags need to be purchased. Flyers printed. Tissue and chocolate x 60 bags.  

Bag 2 School: need to book fo October (or check if there’s a booking already) - HA to follow up

Sports Day refreshments: KS1: Tuesday 9 July from 9-11am. KS2: Wednesday 10 July 9-11.30am. Volunteers needed.Action - Katie to sort croissants from Lidl

End of 2024/early 2025


  • New parents coffee morning

  • Pre-loved uniform sale

  • ‘Wonderlicious’ bars for Roald Dahl Day (Golden tickets), 13 September TBC - discussion was had that this could be a relatively easy fundraiser and a fun event to hold in September when the children are in fancy dress. Action - continue discussion at the next meeting to plan in more detail as work will be needed before the end of term. 


  • Bag 2 School

  • Discos for KS1/Reception and KS2


  • Christmas shop (designed cards and goods)

  • Christmas fair

February 2025

  • Movie night TBC


  • Pre-loved uniform sale

  • Class bake sales, March to May

6) PTFA development

  • Grants (Aviva and supermarket tokens) – pursue! [who is speaking to this?]

  • Comms (whatsapp broadcast group from Sept t-shirts)

Action - Helen to look into t-shirts for the swim team and ptfa committee members for events



St Bonaventures PTFA

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St Bonaventure's Catholic Primary School, Egerton Road , Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, England

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