1) Introductions and Apologies
Apologies: Lucinda Griffiths, Sarah Shreeves, Ellie Eakins, Ruth Mico
Attendees: Sophie Loukes, Aisling Jones, Jason Raynor, Elly Sherman, Katie McMahon, Jackie Young, Siobhan Riordan, Sandra Whitehouse, Jay Sward, Donna Shaw
2) Actions from last meeting
a) School wishlist - Brief meeting was held with Mrs Ballentine. School would like £2500 towards books and development of reading corners. Further discussion as to what other areas PTFA can/should be funding- Agreed to fund books by PTFA committee.
b) Christmas card options - Decided to stick with current provider (Art Screen Prints) as they are cheaper however their ordering process does involve a lot of admin on our part. – Agreed to review provider once we get in products and analyse effort:profit.
c) Class reps - all now assigned. Thank you and welcome to our new class reps for 22/23!
3) Finance
a) Review of balance, income & expenditure: £27,000 approximately in the bank. £16,000 of this to be allocated towards the playground. Plus extra to prepare the ground – to be confirmed by school. Query over the PTFA business reserve account- who are the signatories? Can we move funds from this to our main account?
b) Gift Aid – declarations from currently registered site members. Katie and Marcus looking at getting this organised for future events on the website and cross referenced with permission for GDPR.
c) Online Banking - Possibility of moving banks to allow a second signatory for PTFA account. Can we have view only access? Jason to look into this Lloyds bank comes highly recommended.
3) Events - Past
Reception parents coffee morning - successful morning with large turnout took place. Many thanks to volunteers and bakers for assisting with this event.
4) Events – to Christmas
a) Christmas cards - approx 216 orders via the website shop (save for one or two refunds). Level of effort chasing errors and missing designs is still very high and a huge strain on scant resource!
Suggestion to review provider of this service once all products are delivered and profit made is known. Possibility of changing to a different provider which does all the admin? Parents survey for pricing options. Will need other volunteers to run this in the future.
b) KS1+2 Disco - 14th Oct
i) Check List: volunteer list, TENS license, risk assessment, stock and pricing list, disco lights needed, rota job descriptions, scooters/prams storage, safeguarding policy, first aid and fire safety, lost child point, rubbish bins (sufficient in the hall?), facepaints, Mr Morgan timings, refreshments stocks, tokens for included drink/crisps, sum up instructions, float, honesty box, Ken to lock/open doors, and lock up at the end of the night.
To do: confirm price list for sweets – 2 items for 50p and tattoos /face paints- 50p (mention allergies).
· Jason to order second £50 float.
· Need disco lights – hire or purchase or ask for donation
· Siobhan to check for access to wash up cups in the staff room/ DT room.
· Sophie/Aisling - to check fire muster point
· Boxes for recycling
· Sophie to buy more raffle tickets.
· Ask for a volunteers to help set up on the day after school/ 4pm.
ii) Current status of tickets and waitlist- Not many tickets returned. Approximately 16 on KS1 Waiting list and 24 for KS2. Aim to offer disco tickets to those on the waiting list if we have enough volunteers to run another disco.
Jay Seward to look into the possibility of using St Bons parish hall as an alternative venue.
iii) Note disco feedback- full review once disco has taken place.
c) Ceilidh - 11th Nov
Band booked
Ticket Sales and Pricing - £10 per head which includes a welcome drink. Disco afterwards.
· Volunteers needed to help out for Bar.
· Can we get the event sponsored?
· Ask Ken to lock up.
· Decorations? Hay bales?
· TENS licence ensure is in place
· Begin publicity and set up ticket page.
· Encourage this event as a chance to get to know other parents!
d) Bag2School 7th November – 3/4 volunteers needed. Ask via class reps.
e) Christmas fair - 4th Dec. Initial sub committee meeting held. Need to ensure we have sufficient volunteers before assigning stalls and committing to this.
f) Window Wonderland (March 23) – Hannah (year 2 Mum and Governor) wishes to organise this as a legacy event to help increase community awareness of the school presence. Need to get a licence for this event. She has requested PTFA/Governors sell hot drinks etc..
5) Proposed spending
a) Books - Agreed
b) Playground equipment update -Agreed
6) PTFA Development
a) Increasing support for organising events. Social media rep? Communications (Helen year 3)? Needs separate committees to help organise the events. Sign up Genius for volunteers. Events will not run in 2023 if we do not enough volunteers to organise the events. Need more helpers for the Ceilidh /Christmas fairs.
b) Survey to go out to temperature check events and running of PTFA? Needs constructive feedback.
c) Grants available (Aviva and supermarket tokens) Volunteer to do this?
A. School Amazon Wishlist- PTFA happy to support however our main focus is on funding the larger items for school. However if we have surplus funds at end of year happy to purchase items from wishlist. And we can proote via our channels periodically. PTFA used to hold Cake sales for the classes where funds go to the class teacher - could reinstate?
B. School Sports kits – Comment from parent that St Bons sports teams could do with school sports shirts. Could we get a business to sponsor? Jason to find out what the school would need, numbers, sizes.
Date next meeting – Thursday 17th November online.