Attendees: Helen Albon, Beth Morris, Donna Shaw, Tom Fewell, Marianna Santopaolo, Sandra Whitehouse, Reema D’Souza, Sarah Shreeves, Siobhan Riordan, Eunice Osei Bonsu, Bela.
Apologies: Katie McMahon, Marcus Cherry, Ellie Eakins, Jason Rayner.
1) Actions from last meeting
New reception parents info evening: Successful evening. Goodie bags were well received and included tokens from Boston Tea Party. Some follow ups from parents.
Uniform shed: launch now planned for Monday 16 September. Publicity drafted. Signage ordered.
Sports Day refreshments: KS1 raised £65.60 and KS2 £95.04
‘Wonderlicious’ bars (Golden tickets): Idea discussed in more detail at PTFA social in July. To be moved back to coincide with World Book Day in March due to an already packed agenda in Autumn term.
Bag2school: Now booked by HA for 2024 and 2025 dates.
£1,000 on books for the library: Still need to discuss requirements with school.
2) Finance
Review of balance, income & expenditure: Balance in Lloyds, the new account, is £17,150 and approx £4,550 in Natwest. Total of £21,700.
3) Past events, fundraising totals
Fundraising totals were publicised at the end of last term.
Summer Fair £8,643 - an outstanding amount and a huge thank you to all who contributed to the successful running of the event. The silent auction raised £697.50. Action: we agreed to repeat the silent auction at Christmas as long as we can find suitable prizes.
Frozen Fridays £1131.23
Sports days £161
New reception parents info evening: £19 on sumup from uniform sale.
4) Proposed future spending:
Remaining commitments up to July 2025:
£1,000 on books for the library
£600 for the Bristol Old Vic performance in December 2024 (still to be paid?)
School playground
Show you care, park elsewhere signs. Action: follow up with Jason Rayner and governors about progress with signage.
Grow With It update:
Raised beds - a tremendous success last term, with large quantity of veg harvested by the children (profiled on our social media and through the school newsletter), and use of the beds for activities such as art. Watering was done through the summer by the caretaker, and HA. Mrs Ballantine is keen to continue the interest throughout the winter. Bulbs will be planted at a planting day on Saturday 14 September from 9-11. Volunteers are needed for this. Several signs for the raised beds are being designed by a parent and will be installed this term.
School entrance bed: This was planted by a parent at the end of last term (and featured in the school newsletter last week). Bulbs will be planted in this area to maintain interest throughout the year.
Playground: Several natural playground companies have been approached for quotes and advice on the area at the back of school. Hoping to make progress with this as soon as possible. There are issues with an invasive weed on the slope where we planned to add the playground. This will need to be sorted before work can start. Action: HA to arrange a meeting with Mrs Ballantine to discuss further.
5) Planned events
Launch of pre-loved uniform shed: w/c 16 Sept. Comms drafted. Clothes being sorted this week (Ellie).
Asda Cashpot for Schools: Signed St Bon’s PTFA up to this scheme which is running until 30 November. Advertised this via socials and classes. More advertising to be done in October and November. Parentkind – the charity that supports school PTAs - have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative – all people have to do is, opt in through the Asda Rewards app, choose our St Bon’s primary school and shop and scan in store or shop online at Asda.com, between 2nd September and 30th November 2024. Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of their shop to our PTA. Also, every time somebody opts in, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus– Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started.
New parents coffee morning, Friday 27 September 9am - advertised. Action: Need baked treats and refreshments, and volunteers. HA to do further publicity.
Bag 2 School: booked for Friday 11 October, and also 27 February 2025, and 5 June 2025.
Discos: Friday 18 October. Mr Morgan has agreed to DJ. Hall is booked. Siobhan will be the fire marshall. Advertising needs to start ASAP. Ticketing - likely to be the same as last time (ie ballot if oversubscribed). Note last time too many parents signed up for the KS2 disco which meant that children who wanted tickets were unable to go - we want to avoid this time by increasing the number of reminders about buddying up with other parents so children can go. Action: Ask class reps to push this message.
Christmas shop (designed cards and goods): Children will once again create Christmas designs in school. Parents will then be able to view these designs via the Mychildsart website later in the Autumn (parents will be sent a link and a code to access their child's art work). Parents will then be able to add the design to a range of personalised gifts including Christmas cards, to order in time for Christmas. The PTFA will receive 20 per cent commission on all products ordered. Action: Sarah Shreeves to contact Mychildsart to register St Bon's and to identify dates.
Christmas Craft evening: Now booked for Friday 15 November. HA has asked Art-K in Henleaze to run the evening and they have agreed to do this free of charge and to donate a few of the materials too. Hall is booked and school ok with the proposed evening. Action: Need a team to organise and explore live music too. Mulled wine and mince pies to be included. HA to go back to Art-K to identify cost for materials and then to determine an appropriate amount to charge for tickets.
Christmas Fair, Sunday 8 Dec 2-5pm: Now booked and advertised in last week’s newsletter. Father Christmas (Nick) is booked. Santa costume needs to be located. Tickets to be set up online.
Living Nativity - in process of being booked for approx £300. Mrs Ballantine has agreed. School is happy with the risk assessment sent by company. Action: Risk assessment points to be incorporated in main risk assessment (HA). To go in covered area outside the reception classrooms. Action: ensure we have set aside plenty of time for clear up of this area.
There was a discussion about whether to set up tickets for the Living Nativity in advance, in the same way we do for the Santa's Grotto. Action: it was agreed that we will charge more for admission to the fair to cover the cost of the Living Nativity and also seek sponsorship.
Snow Globe inflatable - we agreed in the meeting to book this again (for £170) as it has been very popular in the past. The location of this is important and needs to be at a distance from the Living Nativity. It will be located near the new play area, next to the school office window (school is fine with this proposal).
List of businesses to approach for sponsorship / donations / prizes has been circulated to the Christmas Fair team. Poster designed and socials ready. Christmas hamper raffle will run again. Action: Raffle tickets to be purchased (Katie).
AGM. Katie MacMahon, PTFA secretary, has handed in her notice after 4 years on the Committee and will be stepping down at the next AGM. Thanks to Katie for all her amazing work over this time! Looking for someone to fill the post of Secretary at next AGM.
Movie night date TBC.
Class bake sales, March to May
World Book Day - Wonderlicious bars TBC.
6) PTFA development
Whatsapp: Helen and Marcus tested Whatsapp communities. The decision was made that it would be a lot of work to implement, for not much gain. New class reps all on Whatsapp group. Rules for the Whatsapp group communicated at the start of term (ie use the class reps/ committee Whatsapp group only for PTFA related news and updates), but regular reminders needed. Important to go through school comms channels with anything not related to the PTFA.
Next PTFA meeting: Wed 16 October, 8pm online.
Action: Helen to draft blog this week about programme of activities for the next term.