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Minutes PTFA Meeting, 10th Oct


Present: Aisling Jones, Sophie Smith, Sandra Whitehouse, Kat Pollock, Siobhan Riordan, Sarah Shreeves, Charlotte Harman

Apologies: Katie McMahon, Helen Albon, Lucia, Donna Shaw

PTFA funding

- Outdoor stage area and reading nooks – one quote received (not what the school had in mind), however Pentagon Play who built the trim trail visited school on 10th Oct to draw up their plans and quote.

- Fire pit for forest school, 3 options have been sent to Miss Rigg to review and select.

- Author visits. PTFA in contact with Mrs Williams who has contacts in publishing.

- Enrichment workshops - awaiting feedback from staff as to which workshops they would like funded.

Sensory Education ‘tough spots’ order has not arrived. PTFA are following this up, it was ordered on credit card.

Christmas cards designs are in hand. Forms have been distributed to teachers for children to input their designs.

Upcoming events:

- Bag2School – 31st October

- Disco – 17th November

- Christmas Fair – 3rd December

Disco planning:

- Advertise before half-term

- Tickets to go on sale after half-term

- Marcus primed for website

- Check cupboard stock

- Katie has submitted the TENS for disco and xmas fair

Christmas Fair planning:

- ASAP order hamper raffle tickets and review hamper list

- 31st Oct Start comms on Christmas Fair

- w/c 13th Grotto ticket sales

- w/c 13th Hamper items collection and tickets sent home

- 1st Dec Bottle collection

Can everyone look out for Grotto gifts (£1 price point per item max). Reach out to parents to see if anyone can help with this.

Bouncy snow-globe showing as unavailable, so AJ to check and also looking into other options.

SW to ask Helen Albon whether the Pre-Loved Stall could work with a theme eg. Party clothes?

Not pre-loved toys, as too much to sort and pass on if not sold.

Silent Auction TBC if we can get good enough prizes

CH working on the grotto decorations, AJ to arrange a time to meet to review current decorations in the cupboard.

Discussed Keg Bar and hotdogs/BBQ outside in event shelter

Music – school choir, Aisling to ask Brass Band, reach out to see if any parents are in bands?

Discussed external sellers, decided best to focus on children and fair is already very busy. Perhaps in future consider a separate event for this? Potentially reach out to school parents to see if anyone would be interested.

SS to add to Newsletter – decorations for grotto, music talent, sponsorship

Next meeting – 10th November

Separate Christmas Fair meeting TBC


St Bonaventures PTFA

If you'd like to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you. We're a friendly bunch.


St Bonaventure's Catholic Primary School, Egerton Road , Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, England

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