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Minutes, 16th May 2024

Writer's picture: undefined

Attendees: Helen Albon, Katie McMahon, Sarah Shreeves, Marcus Cherry, Siobhan Riordan Apologies: Jason Rayner, Jackie Young 

1) Actions from last meeting

  1. Actions:

  • ‘Show you care, park elsewhere’ signs - Sandra has researched and shared with school - this is being followed up with the governors. JR has communicated the Governors have requested a banner and would like to follow up with signs. 

  • Action - next planting day to be confirmed and communicated - complete

  • Disco actions - now complete

  • Plant sale: [Jackie] Do we want to do a separate plant sale or fair? Action -  Jackie to update at next meeting

  • Summer fair, year 6: see if year 6 would be able to hold a separate event due to issues identified from last year. Complete

  • Bag 2 School, Friday 7 June: all booked. After half term. Do comms before half term to encourage people to do a sort out over the holiday. Volunteers to help on the day?

  • Sports Day refreshments: KS1: Tuesday 9 July from 9-11am. KS2: Wednesday 10 July 9-11.30am. Volunteers needed.Action - Katie to sort croissants from Lidl

  • Action - Helen to look into t-shirts for the swim team and ptfa committee members for events

  • Publicity for the Big Seed Sow  complete

2) Finance 

  1. Review of balance, income & expenditure. Balance = £19,129.33

Cheques for £627.24 still to come out.

Recently paid: Fire pit & cover (83.32) cover still to pay; tuff trays (already paid for); Amazon items (£212.16), Alex Wharton poet visit- amount TBC.

£600 for year 6 leavers’ gift. £200 approx on planting raised beds in April.

Still to pay: Olympic and Paralympic    £2workships;  £200 for year 6 SATs breakfast. 

  1. Online Banking/moving accounts - Initial move has gone well. Jason moved £10k and the balance on the new account is approximately £6500. Online payments have been tested and authorisation for Sandra, Jason and Siobhan is working well. 

3) Past events fundraising totals

Reception bake sale 19 April: £281.10

Year 1 bake sale, 26 April:£237.20

Quiz night, 26 April: £1638.92

Year 2 bake sale, 3 May: £329.20

Year 5 bake sale, 10 May: £196.50

Total from all bake sales: £1,759

Thank you to everyone who supported these events!

There was a brief discussion about hosting more cake sales but it was agreed that once a year was enough. They are a very easy fundraiser, but if done too frequently year groups will be fatigued and the impact could be less.

4) Proposed future spending:

Remaining commitments up to March 2025

  • £1,000 on books for the library - HA action - to ask school what books they would like to buy.

  • £600 for the Bristol Old Vic performance in December 2024

  • £1500 (estimated) split between each year group (from bake sales and Frozen Fridays)

To note we have now used up our budget allocated to workshops and author visits. The Olympic and Paralympic Workshop will be held in the summer term and the author visits were held in March. 

We are aiming to fund £7,000 (TBC) over the next 12 months for our PTFA/school ‘Grow With It’ project. £200 so far on plants and compost and signs for raised beds. Approx £1000 for mural, planting and sculptures. Ready made Giant Bug House could be up to £600. Wildflower turf maybe £600 too depending on scope. Mural on living wall could be a further £700. Just over £3k on phases 1 and most of 2 (excluding greenhouse). 

Uniform shed: The office would like to buy a shed to house the uniform rep supplies. They woud be happy to open / manage it and operate an honesty box. Everyone agreed that in principle this seems like a good idea. There were some reservations about the cost of a suitable shed as it would need to have good ventilation to avoid clothes getting damp and mouldy. The uniform sales do not generate enough revenue to support a significant outlay on this project. Action - HA to follow up with the office. 

Grow With It project

Phase 1 

Raised beds - final bed will be planted on 18 May. Several parent volunteers.

RHS Big Seed Sow as part of the national Grow With It campaign: publicity complete.

Flower bed near entrance to school: mural agreed and to be painted w/c 3 June. Children have come up with ideas in an assembly.  Planting plan to be completed by a parent who is a landscape architect, and planting to take place as soon as the mural is completed. Small (low cost) metal sculptures of birds, bees, insects and animals, chosen by the children for each year group, will be added in amongst the planting for children to spot. Also colourful bird boxes on the wall and butterfly and bee drinking stations. Publicity will be sought in local newspapers once the mural is complete.

Wildflower meadow: to be planted near gate on MUGA (TBC) and also near Living Wall. PLanting wildflowers in the slope opposite school entrance. 

Phase 2

Living Wall: mural w/c 3 June. Agreed design.. 

Tree planting plans for area adjacent to proposed natural playground to be agreed with school for first phase. Woodland Trust has free trees which need to be ordered and planted in November. Still an action.

5) Planned events

Frozen Fridays: We are going to provide as standard each week some strawberries or similar (Pawsons). Need more volunteers to prepare the strawberries and find suitable containers (cupboard?). It was discussed that strawberry prep may take time and be expensive, but we will trial for a couple of weeks. 

  1. Friday 24 May (last day before May half term)

  2. Friday 7 June

  3. Friday 14 June

  4.  Friday 21 June

  5. Friday 28 June

  6. Thursday 4 July (River Dart wkend is on 5 July)

  7. Friday 12 July

NB: End of term is Wednesday 17th  July (with inset days)

Disco, Friday 17 May: All in hand. Tickets allocated within numbers, stock bought and class rotas organised. 

Plant sale: [Jackie] Do we want to do a separate plant sale or fair? Action -  Jackie to update at next meeting

Summer fair, Sunday 23 June from 2-5pm: 

Purchase of large teddy for name the teddy needed. Do we ask CJ Hole to sponsor?

Timings update.

Raffle tickets to be sent out last week of term and instructions for class reps for collecting hampers. 

Teddy donations to be collected on the same day as bag for school. 

Bottle stall items on Friday 21st June.

Ongoing tasks for Summer Fair committee - prize generation and sponsorship! 

New reception parents info evening: Helen to do a presentation on behalf of the PTFA. Discussion was had about providing welcome goodie bags. BTP have also agreed to hosts a coffee morning for new parents. It was discussed if we could ask them to sponsor the bags. 

Bag 2 School, Friday 7 June: All booked. After half term. Do comms before half term to encourage people to do a sort out over the holiday. We will need a couple of volunteers to check in bags. Sarah Shreeves is around on Fridays. 

Sports Day refreshments: KS1: Tuesday 9 July from 9-11am. KS2: Wednesday 10 July 9-11.30am. Volunteers needed.Action - Katie to sort croissants from Lidl

End of 2024/early 2025


  • New parents coffee morning

  • Pre-loved uniform sale

  • ‘Wonderlicious’ bars for Roald Dahl Day (Golden tickets), 13 September TBC - discussion was had that this could be a relatively easy fundraiser and a fun event to hold in September when the children are in fancy dress. Action - continue discussion at the next meeting to plan in more detail as work will be needed before the end of term. 


  • Bag 2 School

  • Discos for KS1/Reception and KS2


  • Christmas shop (designed cards and goods)

  • Christmas fair

February 2025

  • Movie night TBC


  • Pre-loved uniform sale

  • Class bake sales, March to May

6) PTFA development

  • Grants (Aviva and supermarket tokens) – pursue! [who is speaking to this?]

  • Comms (whatsapp broadcast group from Sept t-shirts)

Action - Helen to look into t-shirts for the swim team and ptfa committee members for events

Close of meeting.

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St Bonaventures PTFA

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