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Minutes, 10th Nov 2023


1) Attendees:

Aisling, Sophie, Lidia, Helen, Angela, Cinthia, Hannah, Sarah, Sandra

2) Christmas Fair – 3rd Dec

a) !!!Santa!!! Our usual Father Christmas is not available. We are desperately seeking a replacement. Action: Could anyone with a contact who would be willing to act as our Santa please get in contact. Reminder: the visit to Santa in our grotto is one of the biggest draws of the Fair. Fiar takes place on Sunday 3rd December, from 2pm. DBS check is not necessary, full explanation/briefing can be given in advance. We have Santa suit and gifts for all kids ready to go.

b) Elves – Yr6 pupils who would like to volunteer as elves to usher children to and from grotto needed. Rota will be sent out to Yr6 parents. Action: Sophie to send out rota. (again, outfits are provided by PTFA)

c) Inflatable – the snow globe we had last year is not available, however Christmas ‘themed’ bouncy castles are. Action: Aisling to ask school if we could possibly locate a bouncy castle under the reception shelter area in case of rain. All toys will be moved out of bounds and play area returned to how it was previously.

d) Stall allocation and plan – Action: Sophie to circulate initial draft. Assumption is that we have an inflatable which is assigned to a class as a ‘stall’ as well as an outdoor bar assigned to a class. Helen Albon willing to host a Preloved Stall which will sell Christmas Jumpers, kids party wear etc.

e) Music during the Fair Action: Aisling to get in touch with Ms Tudhope, Mrs Purnell and Mrs Williams to ask if choir(s) would be interested in performing. As well as this, is anyone in the school community willing to play piano/sing as background music in the school hall? Get in touch with the PTFA, we would be most grateful! Action: anyone in school community able and willing to play a bit of background Christmas music during the Fair?

f) Hamper reminders, check all class reps understand process and timings for hamper donations. Aisling to add social media reminders.

g) Christmas Fair information letter – Sophie to ask school to circulate (Note, this has now been done)

h) Business Donations/Sponsorships – some lovely prizes coming through although no offers of sponsorship so far.

Action: if anyone knows of businesses that would be willing to sponsor (from £50 upwards) please do ask and let us know!

3) Disco – Friday 17th Nov

a) KS2 disco is currently oversubscribed. (Maximum attendees in hall is x200 for fire safety reasons). Sandra asking adults to consider returning their tickets and coordinating supervision of kids with other parents, such that all children requesting a ticket can go.

b) We have received suggestions wrt running of discos from Maria Lucio – thank you so much! We will definitely take these into consideration for future discos and would welcome your presence on next disco committee.

c) Sarah has done stock take and will buy needed drinks, snacks etc…

d) WiFi access in school hall – notoriously difficult! Marcus is asking Claire if we can still borrow her 5G router box to ensure card payments operate smoothly during the disco.

e) Sandra will purchase Eco glow sticks (reuseable) and transfer tattoos.

4) Events Past

a) Christmas Shop – positive feedback re MyChild’s Art website. This online portal has made PTFA admin substantially easier, we have fewer lost orders, and parents appear to like it! So far PTFA profit is circa £300. Many thanks to all for ordering your personalised gifts from here!

b) Bag2School – raised £190. 4G brought in the most bags. £20 will be sent to Mrs Garrett. Many thanks to all for their donations.

5) Proposed spending

a) Outdoor stage and reading nooks for playground:

  • School senior leadership assessed a real need for playtime equipment that appeals to those pupils who:

a) enjoy role play and performing and

b) need a quieter enclosed area where they can read.

  • This is in response to observations that not all children enjoy the loud more physical aspect of play time. Pupils who may experience overwhelm at play time require an outlet such as this.

  • Following quotes from a company called ESP which did not meet the brief, Pentagon Play (who have supplied and installed the recent trim trail and existing reception play area) provided a quote and design renders.

  • Design meets the school approval (however they would source a book storage container elsewhere).

  • While waiting on a requote from Pentagon Play, PTFA estimate it would be in the order of £15k.

  • Current bank balance standard at circa £28k.

  • Jason, PTFA Treasurer, provided feedback before the meeting. Although he likes the idea, he does not support this spend as he does not feel it provides value for money. The meeting attendees discussed his points in detail. All meeting attendees feel that this equipment when compared with other structures and other providers is in line with current market value. Examples were provided from Bishop Road and St Mary Redcliff primary schools where similar equipment has been recently installed.

  • However, all points raised regarding both quotation and design features will be communicated to school leadership and Pentagon Play before seeking a requote to ensure value for money and practical use of equipment.

b) Fire Pit – still no feedback from Ms Rigg. PTFA will try to catch her in person.

c) Author Visits – Mrs Williams said she would be willing to get in touch with children’s authors. PTFA have chased for updates. No feedback. We will chase again.

d) Workshops – PTFA have offered funds for workshops to enhance curriculum learning. No specific requests from teachers so far. PTFA will remind staff of this offer.

e) Bristol Old Vic Nativity Performance – PTFA have agreed to fund this professional Nativity performance in school. (£600)

6) Finance/banking

a) Balance – around £28k

b) Move to Lloyds - Action: Sophie to provide signature to allow for transfer to Lloyds from NatWest. New bank account will provide online banking access and debit card which is sorely needed!

c) Tuff Spots purchase refund – unfortunately Tuff Spots that were ordered for school have not arrived. Despite several emails and chasing, the company ‘Sensory Education’ have not replied to a single communication. Action: Katie Mc Mahon to start process of seeking refund via her credit card company. PTFA will reorder from an alternative supplier.

7) Succession planning - Reminder: Current Co-Chairs will step down from all responsibilities after Christmas Fair. One parent has come forward but is seeking a co-chair.

Anyone interested in stepping up as co-chair please get in touch!


St Bonaventures PTFA

If you'd like to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you. We're a friendly bunch.


St Bonaventure's Catholic Primary School, Egerton Road , Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, England

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