Like the sound of getting involved with a PTFA event and possibly doubling our fundraising totals overnight? Read on!

If you’re a St Bon’s parent or carer and you work for a corporate company you might find they offer matched funding.
This means a company will ‘match’ the fundraising done by one of its employees for a good cause - usually £1 for every £1 up to a limit.
So… could you help? We are looking for parents and carers who could ask their companies on our behalf and volunteer at one of our upcoming fundraising events (school disco 18 October, Christmas Craft evening 15 November, and Christmas Fair 8 December).
Katie McMahon, our PTFA secretary, asked her employer to match fund the disco total last year, making an additional £1000!
‘What advice would I pass on to anyone thinking of approaching their employer? Go for it! It’s very straightforward – just an email with the event details and information about your volunteering role. Generally, companies offer cash donations, but they could offer sponsorship for a particular activity.'
Please contact us if you think you might be able to approach your employer and we’ll give you all the information you need!
(We know that Barclays and Lloyds offer matched funding schemes so if you work for either of these please do get in touch!).