There are some moments where it feels like we get a glimpse of what life was like in those halcyon pre-covid days... The return of Frozen Fridays was one of those moments.
The simple joy of an ice cream treat on a Friday after school as we come towards summer , is there anything better?! (Each class will take it in turn to host a Frozen Friday sale from now, so don't worry if you missed out!)
We discovered the PTFA freezer had gone to freezer heaven, so in a last minute dash, a lovely new (to us) one was purchased just in the nick of time!

Ken blessing the new freezer and wishing her well.

Behold the freezer of wonder!

Preparing for the stampede!
We are pleased to say we took in £115 in sales! (which is approx. £70 profit, leftover stock will go towards next week's sale). Thank you!!

Some of our discerning customers