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AGM Minutes



Jason Rayner, Sophie Smith, Lucinda Griffiths, Aisling Jones, Heather Ashley, Donna Shaw, Siobhan Riordan, Katie McMann, Sarah Wilson, Ellie Eakins, Sandra Whitehouse, Harriet Marsden, Simon Jones, Jackie Young, Rachel Moffat, Isabel Grainger, Lorna Savage, Kevin Ashley

Committee voting

· Lu officially stepped down as Secretary. We thank Lu for all her help and unwavering dedication to the PTFA over the years!

· Katie McMahon put herself forward to be new Secretary (only candidate). Sophie Loukes nominated, Jay seconded. Thank you and welcome to Katie in her new role!

All other committee roles voted in.

AGM Report Review

No questions raised. Report distributed after the meeting. We welcome any queries or comments once everyone has had a chance to read in detail.

Survey Results so far

  • 42 results at time of AGM meeting. Majority of respondents are very positive about the work the PTFA does and is clear on our role.

  • To the question ‘what can we do better’, 5 respondents have mentioned that the PTFA can seem not inclusive or even cliquey. This opened a lengthy discussion. Many attendees disagreed however we want to address this and rectify - how do the committee increase our approachability and inclusiveness? Discussion included:

o Parents in general are stressed and time pressured, and we need to be sensitive to this. Need to be careful with language used when we ask for volunteers to help run events.

o A get to know us stall on the playground once in a while

o Non-English posters/website translations

o Use class reps to encourage participation via their class contacts/friends? A face to face kick off and check in with the reps throughout the year?

o Fun team building events for class reps and committee.

o A ‘get to know us’ series of blog posts

  • Discussion whether fewer but bigger PTFA events throughout the year would be better? Meeting attendees felt that it seems about right in terms of number of events in the year, it’s just that they tend to be at busy times of year…. Perhaps we could coordinate better with the school to ensure events are spread evenly or not held towards the end of term.

  • Jason spoke about the financial pressures and impact of the cost of living crisis on the school itself, the school really needs our help and PTFA is appreciated. He feels that we are at a max in terms of what we do with regards events and fundraising. However, volunteering time (preparing the new outdoor conservation area, reading volunteers in school etc) would be of massive help.

  • School/governors/PTFA could show a united front in terms of where school really needs our help. There is a drive and desire within Governors to be more visible and transparent in general, as with PTFA.

  • Suggestion – print off and hand out AGM report at school gates and/or put AGM report in the notice board or do an infographic with the vital info.

  • Several attendees request that we fund a small plaque for playground trim trail to say ‘Funded by parents and carers of St Bons’ to increase awareness on how it was funded. Siobhan confirms that the trim trail is extremely popular at lunch times!

  • Went through detailed costings from Katie of wetland area expenditure. Agreement that this is a worthwhile long term investment and people are happy for funds to be used for this purpose.

Other key aims for the next 12 months:

  • new bank account

  • exploit any passive income streams eg text to support


  • Siobhan – we need dates and plan in place for disco. To be discussed at next meeting.

  • Elly - offered use of tennis clubhouse for meetings. Perhaps on condition that everyone bring one new person along?!

  • Ruth – can we get into school to meet prospective parents that have not yet joined, as they visit the school? Hasn’t happened so far due to covid but we would love to!


St Bonaventures PTFA

If you'd like to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you. We're a friendly bunch.


St Bonaventure's Catholic Primary School, Egerton Road , Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8HP, England

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